In TITAN Nursery and Kindergarten believe children should be exposed as many as possible in terms of knowledge and discoveries. I try my best to provide the best timetable that suits their age. But for infants, I practice flexibility towards their schedule as smaller babies tend to have different timetables and it is according to their own. But older baby and toddler age I try my best to practice them in a regular setting standard timetable.

I want them to discover the world and knowledge without boundaries. I provide indoor and outdoor playgrounds that complete with equipment. Not to forget to roleplay corner, practical life corner, sand and water space. I design a space that is safe for the children. I also practice a small ration group so that my caregiver and teacher could give their best attention to all children.

As per attach below are my daily log schedule for the nursery:

Below is my weekly schedule activity for the nursery :

This is the example for my 1 slot lesson plan as according to national curriculum standard:


Class: Genius class

Date: 19 NOVEMBER 2020

Time: 8:00 – 8 :40 (40 minutes)

Number of students: 10

Module: Core Module

Theme: Fruits

Title: Come and taste

Domains/Focus: Science

Content Standard: (SA 1.1) Show scientific attitudes and values

(SA 2.1) Carry out observation using five senses

(SA 2.4) Making inference

Learning Standard: (SA 2.1.2) Observe the environment using a combination of three or more senses

(SA 2.1.3) Observe the environment using a combination of three or more senses

(SA 2.4.2) Make reasonable assumptions based on observation

Integrated Domains: Domain of English language, Physical and Aesthetic

Cross – Curriculum Elements:

Values: Listening to the instruction, patience, and diligent, cooperation, responsive, focus, independent during the lesson

Nature: Using real life natural materials as one of the teaching aids during activity session

Objective: At the end of teaching and learning session, children should be able to

1) Recognize the fruits before them taste it

2) Able to cooperate and do the task with teacher instruction and guidance.

Prior Knowledge: The students have seen some of the fruits such as apple, lemon, watermelon and honeydew

Thinking Skill: Critical – memorizing, giving opinions

Creative – Predicting, use mental imagination

Materials: plate, spoon, apple, lemon, watermelon, honeydew,

Focus of MI: Visual-spatial, Linguistic, Bodily-kinaesthetic, Intrapersonal, Interpersonal

Vocabulary: Apple, Watermelon, Lemon, Sour, Sweet

Below is my yearly schedule activity for the kindergarten :

Below is my monthly schedule activity for the kindergarten :
